The CSDE invites Educators, Schools, or Districts to participate in a Computer Science and STEM Project-Based Learning (PBL) pilot program.
The goal of the pilot program is to support educators in providing opportunities for their students to develop computer science and STEM skills and knowledge while exposing them to careers in these fields. Educators will receive in-person and virtual professional learning and access to Computer Science and STEM PBL content through Defined Learning. The pilot program begins September 20, 2023, with in-person training. Participants will receive two virtual professional learning sessions through November 30, 2023. All inquiries can be sent to Cheryl Tokarski, STEM Project Manager at
Dual Credit Expansion Grant
The CSDE is extending the deadline for submitting an application to the Dual Credit Expansion Grant to Friday, July 28, 2023 at 5:00 PM EDT. As of the prior deadline of July 17, 2023, the CSDE had received 78 applications requesting a total of approximately $3.7M. The CSDE is pleased to confirm that all 78 applications are being approved for funding. The CSDE also expects to approve any new applications received by 5 PM on July 28, 2023 for funding, so long as they conform to all grant requirements and expectations. The CSDE has hosted a series of information sessions since announcing the grant on May 1, 2023. Recordings for each of the sessions are posted on the Dual Credit Opportunities website. The CSDE has also created and posted a Dual Credit Expansion Grant FAQ to support any remaining districts to develop their applications. Please reach out to Renee Savoie at if you have any questions.
Explore Computer Science Fundamentals for K-5 Teachers’s Regional Partner, Sacred Heart University will be offering CS Fundamentals training on August 17, 2023 from 9 to 3:30 on their West Campus.’s Computer Science Fundamentals courses are flexibly designed for teachers new to computer science (CS) who want to offer accessible introductory CS courses to their students. You can enroll here. For questions, email Susan Auchincloss
Noyce Summit Presentations
Two of our MTL Fellows attended the National Noyce Summit, Transforming Teacher Preparation and Retention: A Focus on Equity, Research, and Innovative Strategies, held from June 26-28 in Washington, DC. Fellows presented their Independent Leadership Projects, attended plenary sessions and engaged in workshops.
Rhode Island STEM Super Saturday: Call for Presenters
Share your expertise with colleagues and like-minded educators from around the tri-state region at the Rhode Island STEM Super Saturday Event. RI Mathematics Teachers Association (RIMTA) and RI Science Teachers Association (RISTA) are teaming with Texas Instruments for a Saturday morning STEM engagement open to all teachers of mathematics, science and STEM from all grade levels. Presenting at this event will be a great way to kick off your school year by sharing your Mathematics, Science, and/or STEM lessons, projects, or best practice. First time presenters are encouraged and welcome!
The event will take place:
Saturday, September 23
8:00 AM – 12:30 PM
LaSalle Academy
612 Academy Avenue
Providence, RI 02908
Each session will be 90 minutes long and presenter proposals must be submitted by Saturday, July 15 at 10:00 PM. The conference planning team will notify all who submitted their acceptance status by Tuesday, August 15. All selected presenters will not be charged registration for the conference.
Go to the following link to create your proposal submission:
Please consider sharing your professional experience to help others learn. Your presentation topic does NOT have to be about Texas Instruments technology, or even about technology at all! For more information or questions please contact Peter McLaren at
Fellows Participate in BTC Workshop
The Partners for Educational Leadership hosted Peter Liljedahl, author of Building Thinking Classrooms, for an in-person workshop. Ten Fellows had the opportunity to work with the author and experience, first-hand, the techniques that they read about over the summer.
2023 Free Intel K-8 Math Institute
The Institute is funded by the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and managed by the Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) Department of Mathematical Sciences Professional Development Outreach Program.
This Intel Math Course will take place on the CCSU campus, in New Britain, CT
Where: CCSU Campus, New Britain, CT
When: July 10, 2023 to July 21, 2023
Times: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (including two short breaks and for lunch on your own)
Completion of the Intel Math summer course includes a $1,500 stipend for participating teachers. Teams of teachers from districts and schools as well as teachers from Connecticut Alliance School Districts will be given priority, but all interested teachers in grades K – 8 are encouraged to apply by June 30th at this link.
Participants will be notified of their acceptance by July 5th. If selected to participate, you will need to fully commit to the two-week course including attendance at all sessions and completion of assignments.
Please send an email to Dr. Robin S. Kalder with any application questions and view this brochure for more information about Intel Math.
Submit an Equity in Math Education Case Study
CCLM, AMTEC, and ATOMIC will continue the work centered around Equity in Mathematics Education: A Joint Position Statement for Connecticut. Have you started some of this work in your district? If so, please consider submitting a case study at CT Case Studies so that we can build a network of support around the state.
MTL Fellows Presented Workshops at State Math Conference
Fellows presented and attended the Associated Teachers Of Mathematics In Connecticut (ATOMIC) conference held March 20th in New Haven. Ilisse Gomez (Miss, I Need Help!), William McKinney (Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics), and Nicole Beauchamp (Systems and Structures for a Thinking Classroom) engaged workshop participants in ways to support their English Language Learners, establish positive classroom cultures, and design math tasks in which students can collaboratively discover learning and think deeply about math. Check out ATOMIC’s website for more information.
Financial Literacy Summit
The Connecticut Financial Literacy Summit hosted by Connecticut Jump$tart will take place this summer on August 1st and 2nd at Foxwoods. This special two-day event is intended to support teachers in their efforts to prepare students for their financial futures. There is a registration fee that will be refunded following attendance at this summer financial literacy professional development opportunity. Please visit for more details and to register.